Basic Information
Telecommunications Forum TELFOR is organized as an INTERNATIONAL annual meeting of those professionals working in the broad fields of Telecommunications and Information Technologies. The participants are mostly telecommunications engineers, but also the economists, jurists, managers, governmental officials, students, researchers, operators, service providers and others. In this way TELFOR is the forum in which all relevant aspects of Telecommunications and IT are discussed: subjects of technical nature, development policy, regulatory and economics matters, education, equipment production, services and operation of systems.
The work of Telecommunications forum TELFOR is organized through:
- Plenary sessions with invited papers or lectures,
- Authors’ sessions from the defined program fields,
- Undergraduate and master students’ sessions,
- Special technical and development presentations of the leading international and domestic telecommunications companies and societies,
- New books presentations,
- Seminars for experienced experts.
- Tutorials for young engineers and students,
- Exhibition of the communications hardware, software, equipment, systems and services,
- Commercial presentations of the companies and their products,
- Thematic debates, panel discussions and round tables on current issues,
- Social meetings, etc.
Different levels and characters of presentations are accepted: presentation of research and scientific results, new ideas, valuable conclusions from experience, state of the art and instructive survey communications. The survey presentations, as well as tutorials and seminars, may be offered by participants or participating companies for acceptance, or can be invited by the Program Committee. The detailed list of technical topics is given within the TELFOR calls for papers. Papers with favourable reviews of the reviewers will be accepted and published in the CD Proceedings. An accepted paper has to be presented in authors or student sections by its author or the co-author. Accepted paper that is not presented in the relevant TELFOR Section cannot be referenced as the paper published at the TELFOR. Upon closing of the Forum accepted and presented papers will be submitted for possible publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library (
Authors / co-authors of the accepted regular papers should pay registration fees. AT LEAST ONE REGISTRA-TION FEE PER EACH ACCEPTED REGULAR PAPER IS REQUIRED.
Single visitor`s admittance and their participation in either the authors' sections or in special presentations are free of charge. The activities of the companies, special tutorials and seminars are to be paid separately.
The significance and influence of the Telecommunications Forum TELFOR among telecommunications’ professionals in Serbia and region is growing each year. TELFOR regularly has a high number of participants, both individuals and companies. Several previous TELFORs were attended by around 2000 registered individual participants from all telecommunications’ segments. Typically, between 300 and 500 thoroughly reviewed scientific and expert papers with 700-900 authors/co-authors were presented every year and published in the TELFOR CD Proceedings, in English or Serbian languages. Several dozens of participating companies were in some way involved in the last fifteen years, among which there were the greatest international telecommunications companies like Agilent, Alcatel, Cisco, Ericsson, HP, Huawey, IBM, Intracom, Juniper, Microsoft, Motorola, Rohde & Schwarz, Siemens, etc., together with their local partners, as well as around 50 other domestic and international supporting organizations.
Chairman of the Steering Committee
Prof. Dr George Paunovic
Forum Organization
The work of TELFOR will be organized within plenary sessions with invited papers or lectures, thematic debates, through the work of authors sections from the defined program fields, through panel discussions, round tables and seminars on current issues, tutorials, exhibitions, technical and commercial presentations, professional meetings, etc. Working schedule is determined by the Steering Committee.
All companies, institutions, individual authors and visitors from broad ICT fields are invited and welcome to participate in all TELFOR activities, under conditions posted at
Submission of Papers
Papers to be submitted for TELFOR could include both expert and scientific
articles containing original applicable or theoretical results of researches,
of interest for a broad group of experts engaged in the field the article deals
with. The authors are welcome to submit the articles comprising the
applications of theoretical methods in solving specific engineering problems,
presentations of new equipment and systems, results of experimental research,
new realizations of familiar solutions, etc..
The authors are requested to submit only those papers whose contents
have not been notified, published or in any other way presented at any time
prior to the Forum. The papers should contain original scientific, expert or
applied results of the authors themselves. The results included should in no
way violate the rights of other authors or organizations. Although all papers
will be reviewed, the authors themselves are responsible for the publishing
rights, originality and quality of their papers.
The presentation of results of other authors or institutions, without a personal contribution or participation, as well as survey papers or tutorials, may be offered by participants for acceptance or can be invited by the Program Committee. In such a case it is obligatory for the authors to obtain all the necessary permissions and to clearly state all the sources used.
There is a special student section. Only the students of basic academic studies and graduate academic studies could present their papers in this section, with arbitrary notification of a teacher-mentor.
Papers should be written and presented in English or Serbian languages. As
the author/co-author of an original paper, either as author or as co-author,
each participant can be represented three times at most. The papers will be
exclusively accepted for reviewing (a) those received on time, (b) those that
are strictly prepared in accordance with the instructions for authors posted at The registration and
”on line” Internet uploading of the FINAL ELECTRONIC VERSION of the paper
should be realized in accordance with instructions posted at
By submitting the paper, the authors are accepting all the rules listed in this
Forum Fees, Reviews, Proceedings
There is no fee for authors. Single participant’s admittance and their participation in either the authors' sections or in special presentations are also free of charge. The activities of the companies, special tutorials and seminars are to be paid separately.
The authors’ papers sent for TELFOR will be subject to reviewing. The anonymous reviewers are appointed by the Program Committee. After reviewing the authors will be informed whether their papers are accepted or rejected. The reviewers’ decision is final.
Papers with favorable reviews of the reviewers will be accepted and published in the TELFOR CD Proceedings. An accepted paper has to be presented in regular or student sections by its author or the co-author. Accepted paper that is not presented in the relevant TELFOR Section cannot be referenced as the paper published at the TELFOR. Upon closing of the Forum accepted and presented papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library ( Technical Program Committee may select and recommend some papers for additional publication in scientific or expert journals.
Policy, Regulatory Aspects and Services of Telecommunications & IT
- Importance of telecommunications in economy and society,
- Status of domestic and international telecommunications,
- Trends of future telecommunications development,
- Deregulation, liberalization and reorganization,
- Models of telecommunications reforms,
- Privatization within telecommunications sector,
- Services, marketing and management,
- Development policy and financing possibilities.
Techniques in Telecommunications & IT
- Telecommunications Networks,
- Switching,
- Transmission Systems,
- Protocols and Signalization,
- Computer Communications,
- Radio Communications,
- Mobile Communications,
- Satellite Communications,
- Optical Communications,
- Picture and Tone Broadcasting,
- Cable and Satellite Television,
- Data Transmission,
- Internet & Global Networks,
- Information Technology,
- Multimedia Technology,
- Telecommunications Equipment,
- Radio & Microwave Engineering,
- Applied Electromagnetics & Electronics,
- Antennas & Propagation,
- Signal Processing;
- Circuits and Systems,
- Video and Audio Engineering,
- Communications Software,
- Telecommunications services,
- Teleinformatics,
- Power Supply in Communications,
- Measurements in Communications.
The above listed topics do not exclude a submission and presentation of papers from other specific fields of telecommunications and IT, i.e. fields close to or related to telecommunications and IT.