Awards & Recognitions TELFOR 2012

“ILIJA STOJANOVIĆ” Award for the Best Scientific Paper

In memory and to pay the respect to Prof. Dr Ilija Stojanović, the first and long-standing Chairman of the TELFOR Program Committee, TELFOR Steering and Program Committees established THE “ILIJA STOJANOVIĆ” AWARD FOR THE BEST TELFOR SCIENTIFIC PAPER.

„Ilija Stojanović“ Award will be granted by TELFOR Program Committee, based on proposals obtained from reviewers, sessions chairmen and members of Program Committee. The Award can be granted only to an accepted paper, presented in the relevant TELFOR Section. The Award will be announced at TELFOR Internet page and delivered during a formal ceremony.

The “ILIJA STOJANOVIĆ” Award, for the best scientific paper at TELFOR 2012 conference was granted to:

authors of the paper 7.3/2012
“An Implementation of Optical Transponder and Media Converter Unit for Speeds up to 2.5 Gbps”

“Blažo Mirčevski” award for the best paper of a young author

Family Mirčevski proposed and TELFOR Steering and Program Committees accepted and established the “Blažo Mirčevski” award for the best paper of a young TELFOR author, in memory and respect for technical and scientific work of Blažo Mirčevski, dipl. eng. EE.

“Blažo Mirčevski” Award will be granted by a Jury composed of family Mirčevski representatives and representatives appointed by TELFOR Program Committee. Award candidates can be nominated by reviewers, sessions chairmen, Program and Jury members. The award could be granted to a candidate having less than 30 years, provided that he was the first author of an accepted paper and that he personally presented the paper in the relevant TELFOR Section. The Award will be announced at TELFOR Internet page and delivered during a formal ceremony.

The appointed Jury granted the “BLAŽO MIRČEVSKI” award, for the best paper presented at TELFOR 2012, to the young first author


for the paper (5.22)


Student awards “Ilija Stojanović”

TELENOR Foundation donated awards for the best students papers, presented in the Student Section at TELFOR 2011 (delivered at 2011 ETF Belgrade Day ).

Awards were granted to student authors:

Ana Anastasijevi, ETF Beograd, for the paper
„A practical realisation of kNN indoor positioning model for GSM“

Radoslav Pantić, ETF Beograd,for the paper
Efficiency Analysis of one Class of Uniform Linear Phase Filter Banks

Jovana Malešević, Jovana Jojić, ETF Beograd, for the paper
“Jedan pristup detekciji osmeha”